Denkwerkstatt für Manager

Geschwill & Nieswandt

The rhythm of innovation

Dr. Roland Geschwill, 2015

The rhythm of innovation - what managers and companies can learn from jazz musicians and other artists by Dr. Roland Geschwill, Springer Gabler, 2015, 3rd edition In the past, it was enough to sell good products and produce efficiently to be successful. Today, one innovation follows the next. Young, small companies are chasing old top dogs or boldly ignoring them. They don't care about conventional industry boundaries, let alone traditions, and are developing into market leaders at breakneck speed. This places new demands on managers. Today, they must be able to deal with confusing situations, quickly find solutions to surprising problems and bridge contradictions. The familiar management methods are no longer sufficient for the complex demands of the present; the spectrum of methods must expand. For organizations at the beginning of the 21st century, success means first and foremost being creative, innovative and different. There is no single, one-size-fits-all patent remedy, as suggested by popular methods such as design thinking. Creative processes are unique per se. But they can certainly be triggered in a targeted manner. Artists can initiate genuine creative thinking in companies in a variety of ways. This book tells a variety of stories about how art in all its forms - from music to theater to painting - can promote creativity and innovation in business.
