Employer Branding
Roland Geschwill, Florian Schumacher, 2009
Employer Branding - Human Resources Management for Corporate Management by Roland Geschwill and Florian Schumacher, Gabler-Verlag, 2009 Companies need excellent employees and managers in order to achieve top performance, especially in times of high competitive intensity and short-term copyability of technological leadership. The competence of a company's own employees is the most important differentiating factor. In the 2nd, completely revised and expanded edition, the authors - both long-time experts in human resources development - show essential connections between leadership and employer branding. New in the 2nd edition are the integration of employer branding into strategic HR and corporate management and additions on the topic of recruiting as well as promoting talent. Many useful checklists and concrete recommendations for action enable managers and HR experts to set their course for success in the "war for talents".