Denkwerkstatt für Manager

Geschwill & Nieswandt

4th Symposium: Freedom

Controlling organizations is the foundation of successful management in the 21st century.
The counter design is the idea of spontaneous order of the Austrian Nobel laureate Friedrich August von Hayek. Von Hayek was sure that people overestimate themselves when they want to plan the economy because of their limited knowledge. Managers today complain about overcrowded schedules, too little time to think fundamentally, and little freedom to create. How can managers regain more freedom?
This question and others were discussed and explored in detail with each other. Prof. Michael Zöller gave the opening keynote speech on the great thinker Friedrich August von Hayek, the economist of freedom. Von Hayek was a lateral thinker, an ordoliberal and a sharp critic of state interventionism.

Freedom, personal responsibility and management

What it can mean when freedom is missing was presented by Ines Geipel from Berlin, who published the book "Generation Mauer" this year. We discussed "unfreedom" with her. Dr. Roland Geschwill spoke about freedom, self-responsibility and management, thus establishing the link to work practice.
The finale was presented by Rainer Kern. As the founder of one of the most important European jazz festivals, he not only put on records but also vividly told the story of jazz and freedom and that of "The Voice of America".

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