Denkwerkstatt für Manager

Geschwill & Nieswandt

The physics of the future

Michio Kaku, 2012

The physics of the future: Our life in 100 years by Michio Kaku, rororo, 2012. There are books that make you angry that you didn't discover them earlier. The book by the well-known US physicist is one of those. And you can still read the book five years after the original edition was published. How computer science, artificial intelligence, medicine, nanotechnology, energy, space travel and prosperity will develop in the coming years, in the next 30 years and until 2100, is wonderfully described here. Especially when looking at the political changes of 2016 with all their backward-looking results, the reader quickly realizes that life in the 21st century will take a completely different direction than popular politicians think today. Physicists should be listened to. Conclusion: Exciting and easy to read!
