Denkwerkstatt für Manager

Geschwill & Nieswandt

EdTech in companies

Dr. Martina Nieswandt, Dr. Roland Geschwill, Dr. Volker Zimmermann, 2019

EdTech in companies: Learning as the key to innovation and growth in times of digitalization by Dr. Martina Nieswandt, Dr. Roland Geschwill and Dr. Volker Zimmermann, Springer Gabler, 2019 In times of digital transformation, companies must learn to reorganize themselves in a new and lasting way in order to be successful. The book "EdTech in companies: Learning as the Key to Innovation and Growth in Times of Digitalization" shows which learning concepts are contemporary and sustainable. The authors explain how companies and employees can make themselves fit for the future in education management and organizational consulting and thus address their book in particular to managers, entrepreneurs, human resources managers and heads of digitization projects as well as employees of educational institutions.
