Denkwerkstatt für Manager

Geschwill & Nieswandt

Digital leadership

Martin A. Ciesielski, Thomas Schutz, 2016

Digital leadership: How new technologies make our collaboration more valuable by Martin A. Ciesielski and Thomas Schutz, Springer Gabler, 2016. Digital leadership - another new product on the book market. Ten books have been published on this in 2015/2016. We took a closer look at this book and are still somewhat at a loss as to how to fairly evaluate it. Well-intentioned, one could write that social media, the Internet, software changes and leading at a distance present managers with new, complex challenges today. Yes! Roland Geschwill supervised an excellent MBA thesis at the MBA HRM in Ludwigshafen in 2016 on the topic of leading at a distance. The study used the example of pharmaceutical sales at Roche in Mannheim to empirically evaluate theoretical concepts from the perspective of managers. Much is written about leadership, but unfortunately little empirical research has been done. One result of the work was that digital communication is overrated by non-executives even when leading at a distance. Trust, good and regular communication, and reliable freedom for people are also the cornerstones of successful leadership here. Our conclusion: There is no such thing as digital leadership in management practice.
