Denkwerkstatt für Manager

Geschwill & Nieswandt

How we work

Developing corporate culture, qualifying management, measuring top performance, shaping communication - the success factors in the company are our focus topics of Denkwerkstatt für Manager.

Denkwerkstatt specializes in disruptive culture change in companies and the measurement of peak performance. In doing so, we are consultants, sparring partners and drivers. We support our clients in the thinking process as well as in the implementation. Our clients are our partners. We work "in the middle" and let ourselves be measured by our joint success. Methodically, we are still learning with each client as we develop their cultural uniqueness with them.

"You can't manage what you can't measure!" The economist Peter F. Drucker was right. We measure the impact and success of our measures in your company - and we let ourselves be measured by this success. Denkwerkstatt is not only a consultant, but also a sparring partner. This is what distinguishes us and our work: Thinking controversially and excellently with our customers, thinking ahead, rethinking, implementing!

„Es ist Diebstahl, anderen Menschen ihre Entscheidungen abzunehmen.“
Jürgen Fuchs, Manager und Autor


Think, think ahead, rethink - act: The Denkwerkstatt brings thinking into action, ideas into implementation, potential to unfold

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The heads

Management consulting "with hand and foot" needs a clever head. Or several!

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The partner

A creative partner network creates inspiring ideas and innovative processes.

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Social commitment

Social commitment moves a lot. Our commitment goes far beyond mere sponsorship.

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