Denkwerkstatt für Manager

Geschwill & Nieswandt

Denkwerkstatt für Manager

Denkwerkstatt questions.....

Digitalization means changing products, markets and the way we live and work. Simple and repetitive tasks are increasingly being performed by machines; interconnected and intelligent means of production give an idea of where Industry 4.0 is headed. The Corona pandemic has shown the importance that technology and knowledge work have and will have. The interplay between people and technology in companies is a unique value and must be shaped individually.

More than 10 years ago, we therefore set out to develop successful corporate cultures with our customers.

We have guided, advised, researched - always with the goal of answering the one central question: "How can we make culture measurable?"

We go one step further. In his latest book " The excellence Dividend" Tom Peters asks the question "How does excellence pay off for companies?".

The answer is not simple and even more difficult to implement:
Companies that strive for excellence and top performance will survive in the market in the future!

Top performance is performance. High performance. But what does "high" mean if we can't measure performance at all?

How are culture and peak performance related?
Denkwerkstatt asks - and finds answers and solutions.

We are in a cultural revolution, which is enormously challenging for management and requires courage.

Important questions for the future therefore are:

  • How do I prepare my organization for culture change?
  • Are we brave enough to motivate our employees to think controversially?
  • Do we have the appropriate mindset for change?
  • Are we excellent enough for the future
  • What will self-responsible leadership, decision-making and collaboration look like in the future?
  • What makes internal learning for the digital world?

Let's get started!

„Wenn Du Kunden in der physischen Welt unglücklich machst, erzählen sie möglicherweise sechs Freunden davon. Wenn Du sie im Internet unglücklich machst, können sie 6000 Freunden gleichzeitig davon berichten.“
Jeff Bezos

Consulting approach

In partnership. Controversial. Sustainable. Measurable. 

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The heads

Management consulting "with hand and foot" needs a clever head. Or several!

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The partner

A creative partner network creates inspiring ideas and innovative processes.

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Social commitment

Social commitment moves a lot. Our commitment goes far beyond mere sponsorship.

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