Management consulting needs bright minds with implementation skills. The focus of our experts is based on psychological science, management practice and excellent communication. Measuring success has always been the passion of empirical psychology.
After founding the company in 1996, Martina Nieswandt and Roland Geschwill reorganized it as Denkwerkstatt in 2011. Barbara Limbeck, who has been at the side of Denkwerkstatt for many years, joined the management team in 2022.
All of our colleagues are professionally experienced and also have management experience outside of consulting.
Our customers appreciate the fact that we are very strong in implementation and also somewhat content-heavy.
That is true! Nevertheless, we also consistently follow the path of digitalization, like disruptive approaches and strive to make complex topics manageable. Just for the practice!
Dr. Roland Geschwill
Roland Geschwill is multiple qualified:
As a psychologist and economist.
Various specialist books by Roland Geschwill and Martina Nieswandt have been published by Springer-Verlag. With EDTech (online learning in organizations) (2019) and Laterales Management (2020) in German and English, two of the important topics of our economic times are processed.
One Denkwerkstatt-partner likes to call him "Mr. Brain" because of his extensive practical and theoretical knowledge in management development.
Prof. Dr. Martina Nieswandt
Her focus at the university is on business psychology and organization and leadership.
As part of her doctorate at the University of Surrey/UK, she researched the influence and role(s) of middle management on cultural change processes in organizations and thus presented one of the first research papers with this focus. The duration of cultural change within a medium-sized company could thus be significantly shortened without jeopardizing sustainability. With her four years of research, she created the basis for the unique approach to cultural change in organizations through Denkwerkstatt. Martina Nieswandt is quick-witted and holds 1st Dan in Ju-Jutsu.
In addition to the publications EDTech (online learning in organizations) (2019) and Laterales Management (2020) by Springer Verlag, Martina Nieswandt has also published Fast Cultural Change (2015) by Palgrave McMillan
Barbara Limbeck
Barbara Limbeck has been working for many years as a consultant and "implementer" for Denkwerkstatt für Manager and made a significant contribution to the creation of Denkwerkstatt. Her area of expertise is corporate communications and organizational development. She is the "go-getter" in the team and loves to "just get on with it". When it comes to implementing the initiated cultural change in companies, she is there to help. Barbara then accompanies the cultural and associated communication work on an interim basis.
After years as a senior consultant in well-known advertising agencies, as a key account manager in large companies and as an independent consultant in the field of start-up culture, communication, e-commerce and customer service management, she has a wide range of experience.
She gained her expertise in the field of "Female Entrepreneurship" as the long-time head of the gig7 Competence Center FeMale Business, a start-up center of Mannheim.
Her resume is colorful and always marked by curiosity and challenges. She regards this as her life elixir.
Main areas of work:
- Implementation of start-up cultures in companies
- Culture development in companies
internal and external communication within the culture change process - Communication
- Executive coaching
Claudio Thunsdorff
Claudio Thunsdorff works as a consultant in the Denkwerkstatt für Manager. His focus is on stress and emotion management, analysis of corporate culture and occupational health management. Among other things, he conducts psychological risk analyses for companies and administrations and advises on health and social issues. In addition, he works at the University of Police Rhineland-Palatinate as a police psychologist in research, teaching and in the field.
Not for nothing is he considered the calming influence in the team.
Main areas of work:
- Occupational health management (mental risk analysis, activity analysis, etc.)
- Stress and emotion management
- Conflict moderation and negotiation
- Employee and customer surveys
- Coaching and leadership training
- Development and implementation of competence models
Lisa Treiber
Lisa Treiber is a statistics expert at the Denkwerkstatt für Manager.
Clear, focused, fast - That's the best way to describe Lisa's way of working.
Her focus is on the planning and implementation of employee surveys and interviews as well as their content-related and statistical evaluation. She acquired the necessary knowledge in particular during her many years of work at GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, which she carried out while studying for her master's degree at the University of Mannheim.
Main areas of work:
- Planning, implementation and evaluation of employee and customer surveys
- Development and implementation of competence models
- Occupational health management (mental risk analysis, activity analysis, etc.)
Katharina Degenring
For Katharina Degenring, the motto has always been: Be excellent - stay excellent! With this awareness she goes to work. Focused on empowerment and self-reflection and through her many years of experience in human interaction and in the context of her own history, background and experience, team development is her hobbyhorse.
Authenticity is an important prerequisite for convincing, inspiring and advancing.
To smile, inspire and be passionate in daily interactions.
Main areas of work:
Team development
Complaints and complaint management
Intercultural communication
Trainings within the hotel industry
Bernhard Karr
In his "first" professional life, Bernhard Karr worked as a trainer, personnel and organizational developer in a company in the financial services sector. His tasks ranged from the design and implementation of internal assessment centers and management development programs to team development measures and quantitative and qualitative employee surveys.
In his "second" professional life, he assumed responsibility for a large territory with a large number of teams as an independent sales director.
With its commitment to the Denkwerkstatt für Manager the circle closes for him. He uses his many years of experience as an executive and entrepreneur, as well as a broad spectrum of interventions at his disposal, many times for the benefit of our clients.
He is also committed to jazz and is a board member of the FRIENDS of Enjoy Jazz, one of the most important jazz festivals in Europe. Bernhard's credo: Companies need more jazz.
Main areas of work:
- Executive coaching
- Conflict moderation, team development
- Occupational health management (healthy leadership /healthy conversations)
- Conception of lateral management in sales organizations
- Management Strategy Development
Petra Full Gold
Petra Vollgold has many years of experience in industry and production. For almost 20 years, she was significantly involved in human resources and organizational development at Daimler AG, as well as in leadership processes directly at the plant. She has accompanied all employee groups From foremen to top management. Accompanying change and cultural development processes was a topic early on in her career.
Main areas of work:
- Accompaniment of transformation processes
- Team development
- Moderation of workshops, meetings and large events
- Introduce and establish the strengths-based approach.
Jürgen Fritz
Jürgen Fritz has many years of experience as a manager and most recently served on the management board of the German headquarters and on the European Marketing Leadership Board of an international software provider. Questions of corporate management, cultural change in companies, intercultural cooperation, leadership and future-oriented management concepts have determined his daily work. Today, he brings this experience into his consulting work for Denkwerkstatt clients.
He is also active as a co-partner and co-managing director of Enjoy Jazz, a non-profit company that organizes one of the most important jazz festivals in Europe.
Main areas of work:
- Executive coaching and leadership training
- Management Strategy Development
- Marketing / Sales Development, conception and organization
- Process development and process optimization

This is us
"Culture eats strategy for breakfast..." This pithy sentence by Peter Drucker was coined over 20... more

Denkwerkstatt Manifesto
The implementation of corporate strategy is more successful if we understand cultural transformation as a prerequisite. After 30... more

Thoughts are free. That's why we think in all directions when building our partner network: Business,... more

Social commitment
Getting involved in society is a MUST for us. That's why we have chosen exactly... more