Denkwerkstatt für Manager

Geschwill & Nieswandt

The future of management diagnostics

Peter Drucker, pioneer of modern management theory, once said:
"What cannot be measured cannot be managed".

But is the performance of managers also measured? Is that possible? Do we dare to do this? The uncertainties in dealing with the topic are sometimes too great. Managers are always measured by their results.

Competitive sports do not know these problems: Success would be unthinkable without top performance. While it seems completely normal for a top athlete to have their performance constantly analyzed, performance measurement in top management is - let's say - "sensitive".

That made us curious: Why is that? Is it even possible to measure the performance of managers? What is the point? Don't we need a "desire to perform" at all management levels? Don't people perform automatically if the environment and the team are right?

So what is the situation in companies?

Companies want to evaluate, find and develop leaders who can achieve successful results in the team. Various proven analysis tools are used to recognize potential and promote undiscovered skills or uncover learning areas in leadership behaviour.
Unfortunately, existing test instruments are based on an outdated understanding of leadership, some of which is 50 years old.

As chance would have it, in January 2020 Dr. Roland Geschwill, Managing Director of Denkwerkstatt for Managers, was able to deal with performance in top-class sport. He focuses on the topic of "top performance". It quickly becomes even clearer that top managers could learn a lot from top sport: Right-wrong decisions in stressful situations, the secret of the game-deciding dressing room speech, unerring talent scouting, recognizing potential.

This idea became a product: the PEAK-A!

The PEAK-A is a combination of proven test instruments from the areas of motivational scales from top-class sport, leadership understanding and personality in conjunction with AI-supported language effectiveness diagnostics.
The PEAK-A is a contemporary adaptation in a working world characterized by mobility, transformation and complexity.

Top-class sport and top-class management are not so far apart. Let's just take the best of both worlds.
With the PEAK-A battery of tests this is possible for the first time.

Die Denkwerkstatt für Manager hat durch ihre jahrelange, wissenschaftliche Expertise maßgeblich zur Entwicklung des PEAK-A beigetragen und in der Praxis wissenschaftlich evaluiert. Heute ist die Denkwerkstatt für Manager Think Tank und Preferred Partner für den PEAK-A. Den disruptiven Akt, der datenschutzkonformen Digitalisierung und Go to market Strategie wurde bewusst in die Unfreeze People GmbH, eine klassische Ausgründung der Denkwerkstatt für Manager, übertragen.

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"Modern man is kept in a frenzy of activity so that he doesn't get to think about the meaning of his life and the world."
Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965)