Denkwerkstatt für Manager

Geschwill & Nieswandt

Develop organizational culture

Organzizational culture pays off. This is confirmed by the global study by Heidrick Consulting 2021. 500 CEOs were surveyed. An excellent corporate culture and economic success are siblings.

Culture developments in companies are still the great adventures of our time. More happens there that is unplanned than planned. Anyone who gets involved in a cultural process will be surprised at what is possible in a company. You'll be amazed at what it means when people take responsibility. After all, the good solutions in a complex, digital world are worked out through discourse. As the great philosopher Hannah Arendt so beautifully put it, "Truth only comes in twos!"

Culture in transition 

Denkwerkstatt für Manager specializes in disruptive culture change in companies. Methodologically, we still learn with each client today, when we develop with him his cultural unique.
For companies, this means no longer starting with Adam and Eve of culture development, but already obtaining valid benchmarks for the start of a disruptive process. Denkwerkstatt has 10 years of experience in culture research in companies. Our clients can take advantage of that. Nevertheless, culture development in companies does not work like classic consulting: many consulting companies have consulting knowledge that needs to be implemented in companies. However, if they try to transfer successful corporate concepts to another company, they are very likely to fail. Without the courage to endure and shape disruptive processes, there will be no real change.

For our clients and their culture change projects, Denkwerkstatt is a process accelerator, a sparring partner. We are the ones who ask uncomfortable questions, who put our finger in the wound, we turn over every brick, bring people, teams, leadership together. We get specific, work out solutions. The social psychologist Kurt Lewin, whom we hold in high esteem, said that there is nothing more practical than a good theory. His culture change ideas are the benchmark we follow in our projects.

Lateral management as THE cultural target dimension in the 21st Century

Culture change needs a basis and that is Lateral management. It means leadership at eye level. The responsibility of a few at the top is transferred to many heads in the organization. And that's not all: the dimensions of lateral management include innovativeness, room for maneuver and decision-making, conflict culture, willingness to take responsibility and independence, and transparency of goals.

Wir haben mit dem LCI ein Instrument zur Messung der Unternehmenskultur entwickelt, die die kulturellen Veränderungen in Organisationen messbar und damit nachhaltig machen. Denn: Am Ende des Tages werden Management über Erfolge und Entwicklungsfelder berichten müssen!

As part of our research, we have looked around at many companies. We have accompanied a large number of culture change processes in companies. Each change and the corresponding concepts are tailored to the individual company.

Culture change needs tools

Even the best tool is just a tool. The quality of the hand tool - and the qualification of the craftsman - only becomes apparent when it is used. The Denkwerkstatt has the best tools that are known to consultants. And what no one knows yet is developed anew.
Ingenious tools that are never an end in themselves, but always a means to an end. Tried, tested and validated.

You can find our developments and methodologies in detail in our Toolbox.

Our tools:

LCI®: The tool for measuring organizational culture


Lateral Management: Individual Concepts for Culture Change

Cultural change case study

LCI® Lateral Culture Index

The tool for measuring corporate culture. 

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The tool for measuring corporate culture. Freely adapted from Peter Drucker "Only what can be measured can be managed".

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The tool to identify potential for peak performance

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Lateral management

Cultural analysis is the starting point for culture change projects.

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Qualify management

Contemporary employee development is an important factor for a company to attract and retain talent.

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Design communication

Cultural change comes about through participation and communication. And that makes up the bulk of a successful cultural project!

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„Du kannst so viele Blumen ausreißen, wie du willst, doch den Frühling wirst du nicht aufhalten.“
Pablo Neruda