Internal communication
Every successful corporate culture has a positive communication culture. Communication is therefore an essential key to the success of a culture change. But this is precisely what is neglected in most culture change initiatives.
Managers therefore have a special role to play: they are the multipliers of the corporate culture, its representatives, so to speak. The workforce looks up to them and wants to recognize them as role models. Through their behavior and their communication, they become either the promoter or the opponent of a culture. The success of a cultural change therefore depends to a large extent on how managers communicate it and how employees get involved. And because change entails enormous changes, it is often associated with fear, effort and uncertainty.
This makes it all the more important to really get everyone on board, because every single employee has to get involved. The key to success here is targeted communication. Which internal communication channels make sense must be decided individually, because companies are not the same.
However, any internal communication regarding the change process should be able to answer the following questions:
- Who are we?
- Do we have the necessary attitude?
- How open are we to new ideas?
- How do we combine technology with diversity?
- How do we set standards together?
- What story do we want to tell?
To inspire employees so that they want to be an important part of the reshaping, Denkwerkstatt uses tools such as Fuckup Nights, culture coaching and start-up work tools for managers, among others. Because the future is the result of what we do today, and internal communication is the way to get there!