Denkwerkstatt für Manager

Geschwill & Nieswandt

A company has an SAP Hana implementation culturally accompanied

A finance company with 400 employees wanted to introduce SAP 4 HANA. In addition to the technical implementation, the company wanted cultural support. 20 years ago, the resistance to an ERP system was so great that the project took 4 years to implement instead of 2. The company worked with two project groups. Denkwerkstatt supported the culture excellence group, which coordinated its activities with the technical project group.

It started at the top level with a management workshop in which urgency was created and a voluntary commitment was made at this level. SAP training was carried out top-down. The managers accompanied the cultural process in their teams and immersed themselves in the process across divisions. The project is at the beginning of the Move phase and, to the surprise of the SAP consultants, has got off to a very good start.