Denkwerkstatt für Manager

Geschwill & Nieswandt

Cultural Analysis

Denkwerkstatt für Manager in Mannheim is a specialist in organzizational culture development.
In our publication Lateral Management 2020(Springer Verlag Heidelberg) we report in depth about our cultural work and the Denkwerkstatt tools we have developed for this purpose.

Cultural analysis is the starting point for culture change projects.

Denkwerkstatt has developed survey service tools for this purpose that are exclusive and field-tested. We have benchmarks and the experience of numerous cultural transformation processes. The basis is scientific work (including doctorates) and extensive experience in accompanying companies.

People in organizations have a clear view of how a company is run, how it collaborates, how it is perceived, and how shared learning takes place in a dynamic world. 

Prior to the cultural analysis, interviews were conducted with a representative sample in the company. The aim was to identify relevant key topics for the survey that are to be changed culturally in the organization.

Here, too, the following applies: Cultural change does not come "off the peg". Every company is unique with individual requirements. The cultural analysis is also designed individually accordingly.


The tool for measuring corporate culture. Freely adapted from Peter Drucker "Only what can be measured can be managed".

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Seminars and workshops

With individual and scientifically based formats for excellent personnel development.

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"The disintegration of orders begins with a confusion of concepts."
Confucius (551-479 BC)