Denkwerkstatt live! A small group of participants by personal invitation, keynote speeches on key topics, open and controversial discussions - since their launch in 2011, the Denkwerkstatt symposia for managers have become a fixed date in the annual planning for us and our customers.
Even more: The topics of the symposia are always red-hot, often ahead of their time. With keynote speeches followed by open talks, the format of the Denkwerkstatt symposia offers plenty of freedom for thought-provoking work. In these rounds, people like to discuss openly and controversially. Networking and a change of perspective characterize this event.
Seit 2015 publiziert die Denkwerkstatt für Manager regelmäßig. Bisher sind zahlreiche Fachbücher rund um die… more
Denkwerkstatt Remarks
Die Denkwerkstatt im Gespräch mit Vordenkern, Innovatoren und Machern zu den Themen Innovation, Transformation und… more
Reading material
eine Liste bunt zusammengewürfelter, überraschender, teilweise ungehobelter Werkstatt-Schmöker. Die Auswahl ist subjektiv – aber nach… more