Denkwerkstatt für Manager

Geschwill & Nieswandt


Denkwerkstatt live! A small group of participants by personal invitation, keynote speeches on key topics, open and controversial discussions - since their launch in 2011, the Denkwerkstatt symposia for managers have become a fixed date in the annual planning for us and our customers.

Even more: The topics of the symposia are always red-hot, often ahead of their time. With keynote speeches followed by open talks, the format of the Denkwerkstatt symposia offers plenty of freedom for thought-provoking work. In these rounds, people like to discuss openly and controversially. Networking and a change of perspective characterize this event.

12. Symposium: Bock auf Leistung- Wie wir in Umbruch-Zeiten Mitarbeitende halten, fördern und gewinnen
Die Gesellschaft ist mitten im Umbruch. Bis 2034 werden ca. 7 Millionen Arbeitskräfte aus dem Arbeitsleben ausscheiden. Auf dem Symposium berichten u.a. Unternehmen über ihre Erfahrungen zu den Themen Empowerment und Leistung.
11. Symposium: Unternehmenskultur, Human Resources & Künstliche Intelligenz
Unser 11. Symposium hat sich mit der Anwendung künstlicher Intelligenz in Organisationen, besonders für die Personalarbeit, beschäftigt.
10th Symposium: Innovations in the Construction Industry
For the past ten years, Denkwerkstatt has held an annual symposium for managers with a select group of clients.
9th Symposium: Educational technology
In 2019, we met for the 9th time with representatives from business and politics for our traditional Denkwerkstatt Symposium.
8th Symposium: Gender Shift in Business
On April 21, 2018, the time had come again: The now 8th Denkwerkstatt for Managers Symposium took place at our premises in Mannheim.
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Do you know what robo-rats are? In New York, brain researchers are fitting rats with brain electrodes to improve the rodents' power of concentration.
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