Denkwerkstatt für Manager

Geschwill & Nieswandt

Reading material: Our best list

"For me, a book is a kind of shovel with which I dig myself up." (Martin Walser)

Thus literarily inspired, we began digging through our bookshelves, publishers' directories, bookstores, and our memories for memorable books.

The result is a list of colorful, surprising, and sometimes uncouth workshop books. The selection is subjective - but in our opinion, it's great! And best of all, there's at least one new recommended read every quarter.


Denkwerkstatt has been publishing for many years on specialist topics in the field of corporate culture, innovation, and business and social issues.

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Press articles

There are many reports about the work of Denkwerkstatt for managers. Here you can find all sorts of excerpts.

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"If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses."
Henry Ford